The Clergy Team

The clergy team who are licensed to the Benefice of Saddleworth are shown below.

They are supported by a number of retired clergy who make a significant contribution to the life of the Church.


Team Rector - vacant


The Team Rector’s role, supported by colleagues, is to provide leadership; to encourage, enable and inspire all those in the Benefice of Saddleworth to grow as disciples of Christ.

Reverend Sachin S Awale
Team Vicar

M: 07983 600413

Reverend Barbara Christopher
Associate Priest

T: 01457 876802

Whilst supporting Sharon and Sachin in their role across the Benefice, Barbara's ministry is mainly at St Mary Greenfield where she leads services and is also responsible for pastoral care. She is also involved with the wider community as a Governor at St Mary's School.

Reverend Dr Michael Donmall
Associate Priest

Mike works across the Benefice, focusing on worship liturgy and pastoral matters, mainly at Christ Church Friezland and St Chad Saddleworth. He is Emeritus (retired) Professor of Health & Society at the University of Manchester.

Reverend Pat Gillian
Associate Priest

T: 01457 870162

Pat works across the Benefice but her ministry is mainly at St Anne's Church Lydgate where she is responsible for pastoral care, and a weekly family service with strong links with St Anne's School. Pat is very committed to working with the local community by 'taking God outside the walls of the church'.

Reverend Philip Williamson
Associate Priest

Philip was ordained Deacon in June 2016 and on Saturday 24th June 2017 was ordained Priest at Manchester Cathedral by the Right Reverend Mark Ashcroft, Bishop of Bolton.

Philip feels very blessed to be called to serve the people of Saddleworth as a Self-Supporting Minister. He is enjoying working as part of the Ministry Team in such a diverse and exciting Benefice.

Reverend Hilary Edgerton
Assistant Priest

T: 01457 871704

Hilary works part-time across the churches with special responsibility for discipleship,  developing study groups and events relating the Bible to everyday Christian living, and encouraging lay leadership. 

She also works part-time as a prison chaplain.

Graham McGuffie
Team Reader